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Program synopsis

The history of Bist-invest Ltd company has its roots in the period of rapid development of the cryptocurrency market, its rapid global expansion since 2009. We are an ambitious team, which consists of specialists in computer engineering arena , who are enthusiastic about Bitcoin mining & trading. We started creating our own trading strategies, accumulating and interpreting the knowledge gained during the period of analysis, perfecting and adjusting them to the current market trends. Over the past few years, we have been making huge financial gains. For Bitcoin mining, the Bist-invest Ltd team began construction and organization of mining farms with latest technology computers which enabled mining at great speeds.

The main objective of our offering is attracting investments for our company, continuation of Bitcoin mining along with profitable trading and sharing the returns with our investors. Experts of Bist-invest Ltd firmly believe in the prospects of Bitcoin, the most traded cryptocurrency by volume. We have put great efforts to provide our clients with a user-friendly profit making investment platform. Also, the developers are real technical mavericks, whose vision to create a unique investment system has become successful. Also, you can be sure of security since we ensure that no one will access your data without consent.

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Program review

Scam Alert 

I can’t stop laughing now. Just look at this HYIP site’s name. Word as simple as best is spelled incorrectly. Uhm… HYIP Admin – there is a thing called dictionary or Thesaurus which can be used to counter-check spelling. If you cannot spell right which is a simple matter then how can you handle complex things such as making other people’s money grow. Or maybe you were trying to spell the word “beast” as this is what the site really is. Online viewers - the name in itself should already be blasting warning sirens in your head by now.

Just to scam, their offer is 43% hourly for 8 hours! Do they have a money printing press or something? If they do then definitely such are nothing more than fakes!

Not only that, web design is not any better. Do they have an organization of fraud site designs?

Lastly, will you allow only 1 Monitor to convince you that the site pays? Are you really that ignorant to lose your money to this fraud? If yes, then just give them to those living on the streets instead to help those in need – not to help those with greed.

So next time you see sites with: 

  • Wrongly spelled HYIP site name – SCAM !
  • 43% hourly for 8 hours – SCAM !!
  • Dull web design – SCAM !!
  • 1 Monitor - SCAM !!! has intensely vowed to go against the vicious spread of lying High Yield Investment Program (also known as HYIP) sinceyou will definitely lose your hard-earned cash if scammers are not detected. We seriously forewarn that wrong investment can totally ruin your current financial situation.

To arm yourself against scam HYIPs, Due Diligence must be enforced by reading, making thorough research and review the program you are interested in. Make use of every tool and information found in and ask in the Group Chat before making that Final Investment Decision.

Better to be cautious than be sorry in the end.

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Chronology of events

Program info

PLANS: 43%, 98%, 167% hourly for 8 hours

MIN INVESTMENT: $10 - $50000$ - MAX INVESTMENT: Manual



LAST PAYOUT: 23rd January 2018 (MakeMoneyVenture)



Total: $0.00

Today: $0.00       Yesterday: $0.00


Total: $0.00

Today: $0.00       Yesterday: $0.00

Additional info


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