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2298 Days
Not Paying

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Program synopsis

Giga Business LTD specializes in the trading and exchange of cryptocurrencies. With the advent of Bitcoin our traders paid attention to the volatile fluctuations of its exchange rate and realized the prospects of a new type of electronic currency. From this moment we are focused on the study the features of work on crypto exchanges and conduct trading activity. In addition to trading, we provide a private exchange, cooperate with dozens of online exchange points in direction of USD/BTC. 

Since 2016 Giga Business LTD is involved in attraction of investments to enter the international exchange market and the search for new partners and customers. Here you can get overall view on our investment programs and the total returns you will get during the active deposit. Principal return is inacluded together with profit. Feel free to choose from four investment plans (10 days, 7 days, 6 days, 5 days and 3 days) and many deposit ranges. Bigger you deposit, better profit you get!

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Program review

Scam Alert 

The design is so lifeless that it only shows another boring image. Can’t you really think of a better design, dear HYIP scammer?!

Lastly, will you allow only one Monitor to convince you that the site pays? Are you really that ignorant to lose your money to this fraud? If yes, then just give them to a vagrant instead to help those in need – not to help those with greed.

So next time you see sites with:

  • Dull web design – SCAM !
  • 1 Monitor only - SCAM !!! is declaring war against the rampant spread of cheating High Yield Investment Program (also known as HYIP) because you will definitely lose your hard-earned cash if scammers are not detected. We seriously alert that wrong investment can totally ruin your current financial situation.

To win the battle against scam, Due Diligence must be enforced by reading, making thorough research and review the program you are interested in. Make use of every tool and information found in and as in the Group Chat before making that Final Investment Decision.

Better to be attentive than be sorry in the end.

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Chronology of events

Program info

PLANS: variable hourly plan





LAST PAYOUT: 13 June 2018 (HyipParty)



Total: $0.00

Today: $0.00       Yesterday: $0.00


Total: $0.00

Today: $0.00       Yesterday: $0.00

Additional info


WHOIS: Whois

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