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Program synopsis

Income Pool is a legally registered Private Limited Company which was founded at 2016 at London, Company No. 10362542.
Our mission is to provide every person the opportunity to gain maximal profit from investing at minimal risk. The Company is not a member, associate or subdivision of any other organization, so it is free to make totally independent decisions. Our team of full-time financial experts ensures effective and quick analysis of the current financial situation. 
The objective of our investment fund is to ensure regular gains to private investors with reasonable risk levels through reinvestment of gathered funds into various types of assets. 
The Fund is mainly involved in trading at the Forex and Cryptocurrency markets. It gathers pools of money deposited by private investors and, pursuant to its investment policy, reinvests this money in securities and other instruments of stable companies, trust management programs, hedge funds as well as Forex, securities and commodity exchanges. The Company's experienced full-time analysts carry out close monitoring of the economic situation in the world to identify the best investing options in various industries, especially rapidly developing ones, like new information technologies and innovations. Financial markets offer high yield to traders, but contain high risks as well, especially when marginal tools are involved. Investors must be ready to accept certain reasonable risks before starting operations in the real market. No limits are imposed on the structure of Company's assets which means that we are always ready to introduce new investment options to offer our investors the best investment products.

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Program review

Scam Alert 

This HYIP site name better be named as cheaters pool as this is HYIP Admin is sure to steal your hard-earned money. Beware of this HYIP, dear online viewers. The name in itself should already be triggering warning bells in your brain by now.

To be able to scam, their offer is 130% after 1 hour! Are you going to fall for this non-sense? This HYIP admin probably thought we are stupid or far worse!

Just like dumb and dumber, the web design is definitely a no-brainer as it is another boring photo. How predictable!

Lastly, will you allow only two Monitors to convince you that the site pays? Are you really that ignorant to lose your money to this fraud? If yes, then just give them to the penniless instead to help those in need – not to help those with greed.

So next time you see sites with:

  • Doubtful HYIP site name – SCAM !
  • 130% after 1 hour – SCAM !!
  • Poor choice of web design – SCAM !!!
  • 2 Monitors only - SCAM !!!! has intensely vowed to go against the vicious spread of lying High Yield Investment Program (also known as HYIP) since you will definitely lose your hard-earned cash if scammers are not detected. We seriously forewarn that wrong investment can totally ruin your current financial situation.

To arm yourself against scam HYIPs, Due Diligence must be enforced by reading, making thorough research and review the program you are interested in. Make use of every tool and information found in and ask in the Group Chat before making that Final Investment Decision.

Better to be cautious than be sorry in the end.

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Chronology of events

Program info

PLANS: 130% after 1 hour, 150% after 3 hour





LAST PAYOUT: 1st February 2018 (HyipParty)



Total: $0.00

Today: $0.00       Yesterday: $0.00


Total: $0.00

Today: $0.00       Yesterday: $0.00

Additional info


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